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Learning to Listen with Compassion — 6 Comments

  1. I used to tell my students that they need to listen with their eyes, ears, & brain. Just ears is only hearing.

  2. Me, too! Seems I write more from personal need … I be a mess! Aren’t we thankful for God’s unconditional LOVE? Thanks for commenting.

  3. Good read. I think so many times we listen and just think about our response. We don’t just stop thinking about how the conversation affects ME-and just give a kind and sweet ear. Lots of times when I need to talk to someone-I’m not looking for advice-I just need someone who will listen and love. We also need to be TRUSTWORTHY with someone’s spoken words. Be that person who never repeats what they hear.

  4. That’s great insight, Cindi. I really appreciate the last statement; so very important. Often we share comments as “prayer requests” which should not be repeated. Best just to ask for prayer for a particular person without giving the reasons. Thank you so much for commenting.